Planning to travel for Spring Break? It's crucial for patients to prioritize their oral health even while on vacation. Neglecting oral hygiene can lead to issues such as dental sensitivity or pain, which can easily ruin your travel plans. To avoid any discomfort, consider adding a dental exam to your pre-travel checklist to ensure your teeth are in top shape before you hit the road.
In addition to the essentials like a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss, don't forget to pack prescription mouth rinses and fluoride treatments in your suitcase or carry-on. If you happen to forget these oral health accessories or if your luggage gets lost, don’t worry! Airports and most hotels usually have these items available for purchase so you can quickly restock and continue your oral care routine without any interruptions.
When traveling, it's important to maintain good oral health practices. Stick to your regular brushing and flossing routine, just as you would at home. If you find yourself in a situation where you're missing oral health accessories, like being in a remote location with no access to stores, swishing with clean water after meals can help tide you over until you can replace your missing items. Remember, consistency is key, so keep up with your oral care habits to ensure a healthy smile throughout your travels.
If you find yourself having a dental emergency when you come home, we offer financing for dental care through Cherry. Cherry offers multiple plans to fit your financial needs so you can get the dental care you deserve.
We hope to see you soon!